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  7. Filter Usageand Label Management

Mie Univ. Sansui Mail(Gmail for Faculty and Staff)

1. Filter Setting

You can use filter function on Gmail.

  1. Log in to Mie Univ. Sansui Mail(Gmail for Faculty and Staff).
    (If you don't know how to log in, please refer to Section 1 of Initial Settings.)

  2. Click on the gear symbol in the upper right corner of the page, then click on「設定」.

  3. Please click on「フィルタとブロック中のアドレス」.

  4. Please click on「新しいフィルタを作成」.

  5. Please enter your criteria for creation of filter.
    For example, if you set filter for "test-group@mie-u.ac.jp",
    please enter 「test-group@mie-u.ac.jp」on 「To」 and click on 「フィルタを作成」.

  6. Select the action to be taken when an email matching the condition is received.
    For instance,
    • 受信トレイをスキップ(アーカイブ):skip inbox
    • ラベルを付ける:メーリングリスト:add label
    • *件の一致するスレッドにもフィルタを適用する。:apply the filter to threads as well
    Emails addressed to "test-group@mie-u.ac.jp" will not go into your "Inbox" but will be sorted under the label "Mailing List".
    Also, when clicking "Create Filter", the filter is applied if there is an email that matches the criteria for an email that has already been received.

  7. The filter has been created.

If multiple filter criteria are matched for a single email, all matching filters will be applied.

For example, if you have a filter that says, "For emails that match the criteria XX, sort to label 1" and another that says, "For emails that match the criteria XX, sort to label 2. If both criteria are met, both filters will be applied and the mail will be sorted to both label 1 and label 2.

For those who want to know more about how to use it.

Please refer to as follows.

2. Label Management

The default labels in Gmail cannot be removed, but you can hide unwanted labels by setting the label visibility settings.

To change the display to your email software

To change the display to Thunderbird, Outlook, or other email software, you must first configure the following settings.

  1. Click on the gear symbol in the upper right corner of the page, then click on「設定」.

  2. Click on 「メール転送とPOP/IMAP」.

  3. Select 「IMAPを有効にする」and click「変更を保存」.

Show/Hide Label Settings

  1. Click「ラベルの管理」on the left side of the page or 「ラベル」from the settings.

  2. Set the label show/hide.
    At "Show in IMAP" on the right side, you can set whether to show or hide the information in your e-mail software.