A Study of Teaching Materials and Methods through a Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Textbooks

200M049 M. Q.

This thesis has provided some of salient differences and similarities existing in Chinese and Japanese English textbooks so as to pursue ways to improve English education in China. For this comparative study, we have chosen New Horizon (Tokyo: Tokyo Shoseki, 2001) in three volumes and Junior English for China (Pep and Longman, 1996) in four volumes. Some main topics that have been discussed in this thesis are as follows:

1. We have examined Chinese and Japanese Courses of Studies that determine teaching contents as well as teaching methods. Those Courses of Studies reflect needs of each society. We have examined how needs in each society are represented in those Course of Studies.

2. We have analyzed the contents of the chosen English textbooks showing how grammatical items are naturally combined with contents through different means. Also, the theoretical implication of the arrangement of grammatical items has been discussed.

3. Textbook contents have been examined from the point of communication. The characteristics of contents have also been discussed.

The purpose of comparing Chinese and Japanese English textbooks isn't to answer the question of "which is better?" or induce the conclusion. Our purpose is to make efforts to promote English education in Japan and China.
