Taku Onishi, PhD

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University, JAPAN

E-mail: taku@chem.mie-u.ac.jp

Guest Researcher, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, NORWAY

E-mail: taku.onishi@kjemi.uio.no

Invited Professor, University of the Ryukyus, JAPAN

Scientific Editorial Board

1) Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (IOS press)

2) Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis)

[NEW] MIE Meeting of Quantum Science, December 2022

Homepage MM-QS 2022


Ferroelectric Perovskites for High-Speed Memory

A Mechanism Revealed by Quantum Bonding Motion

p1-220, TAKU ONISHI (Springer Nature 2022)

Introduction in Springer

Quantum Computational Chemistry

Modelling and Calculation for Functional Materials

p1-290, TAKU ONISHI (Springer Nature 2018)

2018 Top Downloaded New Books in Chemistry (Springer Nature)

Introduction in Springer


Quantum Science

The Frontier of Physics and Chemistry

Editor, TAKU ONISHI (Springer Nature 2022)

Introduction in Springer

Theoretical Chemistry for Advanced Nanomaterials

Functional Analysis by Computation and Experiment

p1-544, Editor, TAKU ONISHI (Springer Nature 2020)

Introduction in Springer

Curriculum Vitae

Invited Lectures and Seminars


Publications (ORCID)

Funding by Foundations


ICCMSE: International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

Chair, Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium

Chair, Quantum Science (QS) Symposium

Scientific Committee, ICCMSE

(1) The 1st Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium of ICCMSE 2015, Athens, Greece

(2) The 2nd Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium of ICCMSE 2016, Athens, Greece

(3) The 3rd Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium of ICCMSE 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

(4) The 4th Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium of ICCMSE 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece

(5) The 5th Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium of ICCMSE 2019, Rhodes, Greece

(6) The 6th Quantum Science (QS) Symposium of ICCMSE 2020, Heraklion, Greece

(7) The 7th Quantum Science (QS) Symposium of ICCMSE 2021, Heraklion, Greece

(8) The 8th Quantum Science (QS) Symposium of ICCMSE 2022, Heraklion, Greece

The Univ. Ryukyus International Symposium of Theoretical and Computational Science (RIS-TCS)

Organiser, Guest Reseacher of Univ. Ryukyus

(1) 1st, 23-25 June 2017, Japanese Version (pdf)

(2) 2nd, 19-21 October 2018, Japanese Version (pdf)

(3) 3rd, 20-22 March 2020, International Version

* Due to the effect of coronavirus, RIS-TCS was held virtually.